Meeting Details
Members of the New York State Committee on Open Government will meet in person on Wednesday, November 20, 2004, at 10am, at the Department of State offices in Albany, Buffalo and New York City. One or more Committee members may participate by videoconference pursuant to Public Officers Law Section 103-a. An agenda for this meeting will be posted. Members of the public may join the meeting in person at any of the locations listed in this notice or remotely by using the WebEx information below. Note that if you wish to join the Committee in person at a Department of State location, please leave extra time so that you may clear building security requirements.
WHO: New York State Committee on Open Government
WHAT: Meeting of the Committee
WHEN: Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at 10am
WHERE: New York Department of State offices at:
One Commerce Plaza/99 Washington Avenue
Conference Room 1112, Albany, NY
Ellicott Square Building/295 Main Street, Suite 821
Conference Room 803, Buffalo, NY
123 William Street
Conference Room 231, New York, NY
WebEx Information
Not yet available. This notice will be updated to include the WebEx information when it becomes available.
Audio conference information
Not yet available. This notice will be updated to include the WebEx information when it becomes available.